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The “Violence Prevention” Subproject

Principle Investigator: Dr. Ulrike Lingen-Ali, Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg, Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Women and Gender (ZFG)

Project Staff: Dr. Carla Schriever (starting from 16/03/20), Dr. Arezou Sade (until 29/02/20), Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg

Subject Areas: Educational Sciences and Cultural Gender Studies

The goal of the subproject "Refugee women, family dynamics, and violence. Coping with trauma, intervention, and prevention in the context of reception" is to analyze structures of violence within the refugee reception context, taking into account the causes and processes of forced migration. This includes the expression – and silencing – of experiences of violence and traumatization, as well as the relationship between gender, family, and violence. The project utilizes an extended understanding of violence (including political, structural, institutional, and epistemic violence in its intersectional entanglements) and of family (including e.g. family fragmentation related to forced migration).Power relations are not limited to the immediate context of refuge and forced migration, but understood within the concept of a continuum of violence. As a gender-related condition, violence can be biographically and inter-generationally written into family narratives and can influence individuals as well as relationships within family systems.

The study is driven by the following questions: How do refugee women and their families address and cope with experiences and structures of violence? Which coping strategies do they develop, and what resources do they refer to? On which kind of gender knowledge are existing – formal/informal/national/international – approaches and programs of prevention and intervention based?

These results will contribute to sustainable prevention and intervention in a supportive and empowering sense.


Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Women and Gender (ZFG)
University of Oldenburg
Ammerländer Heerstraße 114-118
26111 Oldenburg
Phone: +49 441 798 4120